It is a space where Man ignites a delightful fuss that dances in harmony with the light overwhelming the eternal white. Its sacred dust is scattered stories and psalms in a place like a maze… Sound rises, images vanish, paving the way for a new life dressed in a divine passion where dervishes enjoy serenity since they all twirl. While the eye is scooping pleasure out of the dervishes’ twirling in the paintings, another twirling is about to take off enabling the viewer to perceive the core elements in that paintings simply represented in Man, light, movement and energy descending from heaven via the right hand in order to be sown in the ground via the left one…
“Dawaran” is a cognitive journey that helps Man absorb the energy of life throughout, seeking for essence in a voyage blended with misery and pleasure.
The profile of dervishes is my virtual planet where I live. They themselves constitute the research material for the bodies of my paintings and aesthetic applications. Relying on this perception, I hope to be adding a cognitive spiritual dimension that dissolves deep within human conscience…

The Symbol of Al Hamza (Embryo)
Represents the shape of someone
who prostrates to God
It appears above the letter A (أ) in Arabic letter, which reflects the vertical relationship between
God and man..
The symbol of Humanity & Love
It is the meaning and essence of a life full of love, mercy and giving; the symbol refers to a relation between Man and God based on a journey of faith and knowledge; it features a Dervish in love whirling around as if seeking energy from heavens to diffuse and sow it unto this earth via his left hand that is nearest to the heart guided by the word "Allah" .
The Symbol of the quartet (Rubaiyet) of 'Afala' (the mind Alphabet)
The symbol represents the value of the mind
and the prominence of meditation, remembrance
and thanksgiving as the pillars of
the consciousness of life.
Symbol of Love
Represents the presence of Christ & his disciples on the universal circular table, where the heart of the circle consists of three flowers representing the knowledge intersecting to form three concentric fish and show the words of Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” ...
(Genesis) The symbol of Creation: (The flow of energy)
The symbol represents a whirling Sufi Dervish viewed from above with energy flowing out of him (radiating from the eyes, ears and heart). It is a cosmic energy derived from the Arabic Alphabet ن "N". The symbol comes in four letters that converge in the center. The twelve pulses represent the Indicate the pursuit of perfection.
The quadruplet of (Afala: A Thinking Project) is based on four Quranic verses, and it identifies with the Bible. These verses are as follows:
«Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth,» «We have indeed created man in the best of molds,» «Each just swims along in its own orbit,» and «Will they not seek to understand the Qur’an? Or are their hearts locked up by them?»
The essence of the quadruplet emanates from «And we made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. Verily, the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted with all things.» Surat Al-Hujurat-Verse 13; «Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.» Luke 2:14; and a continued search through whirling and the mystery of letter (ن) – letter N in English.
This visual project aims at addressing mind to grasp the meaning of the nebula surrounding human being and fixing the spiritual defect that has been inflicted on him during his life journey without contemplating the essence of the distance that is based on the four spiritual concepts:
«Will ye not understand?»: the mind first in distinguishing man’s journey from that of other creatures.
«Will ye not consider?»: a man is a reflection of his thought and responsibility toward it.
«Will ye not remember?»: a man’s review of his acts during his journey through life.
«Will ye not give thanks?»: here are the hypostases of mind, thought and memory convene while asking the remorse question that leads to giving thanks to the Creator for the blessing of living with a mind and what the man has accomplished for himself and for humanity after his departure. This project is not based on metaphysics; rather, it gives due attention to the mind’s ability to discover the secrets of existence in order to achieve spiritual tranquility that look forward to intellectual and visual entertainment through color and font in a special chemistry that emits the recipient’s renewable energy of love. This project comprises visual and letter visions open to more than one aesthetic proposal, all brought together by the quadruplet of man, light, movement and energy during a dervish’s circle movement around himself, meditation aimed at identifying with the universe and relaxing the power and desires of the body, according to Avicenna. Thus, listening is the isthmus of crossing. This project does not depend on one idea only; rather, it aspires to be part of the aesthetics of our daily life to energize it by renewable, spiritual energy. Apart from the figurative painting, there are three-dimensional forms, solids derived from the whirling dervishes and materials for specific purposes (ceramic, copper, canvas, silk screen prints, wooden boxes, accessories and jewelry) that borrow from the aesthetics of oriental compositions through a contemporary vision. In other words, this project open to various possibilities is an effort to destroy the walls of enclosed galleries, roam outdoor and restore the kidnapped identity of the oriental art under modernized imported titles.