Ali Alsermini
artist bio
- Born in 1943 in Aleppo, Syria
- Graduated in 1972 from the College of Fine Arts degree with honors in Damascus
- Doctorate in mural paintings and graphic degree very good in the upper Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin.
- Schooled at the hands of the leading artists Ghalib Salem Light and teacher.
- Succeeded in scholarship to study Fine Arts in Damascus in 1966.
- Dispatched to Germany and received his doctorate degree in mural paintings and graphic very good degree of upper Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin.
- Appointed lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts in 1974.
- Member of the Union of Arab Fine Artists.
- Faculty member in the College of Fine Arts photography department at the University of Damascus.
- Deputy Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts between 1981-1991.
- Professor of photography and imaging the parietal section.
- Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts since 1993 and until 2000
- National Museum of Damascus – Ministry of Culture – the presidential palace – and in institutions within and especially in Syria and outside groups
- Shares in the first preparatory committee for the establishment of the Fine Arts Association and was elected for the artists of Aleppo in 1967.
- Elected board member of the Fine Arts Guild Management in Syria for three cycles.
- Work in the membership of the Supreme Collectibles Festival and Biennale charity headed by Mrs. Dr. Najah al-Attar, Minister of Culture.
- Member of the Committee Supreme monument (memorials).
- Special exhibitions:
- 1962 first solo exhibition to him in the Fine Arts Center in Aleppo.
- Established eleven exhibition in Syria and abroad.
Joint exhibitions:
- Participated in exhibitions and all the Ministry of Culture since 1962, the annual fall and spring are currently foreign exhibitions that represent art in the Syrian Arab Republic.
- Participated in all the shows beautiful internal and external Arts Guild since its establishment in both Damascus and Aleppo, Latakia, Homs, and in the Arab countries and in the Foreign Trade (Sofia, Prague, Moscow, Leningrad, Lithuania, Bucharest, Paris, London, Santiago, Havana, Buenos Aires) .
- Won first prize for the exhibition Damascus University in 1968
- He received a patent appreciation from the Prime Minister in 1988.
- Admire in love Biennale in Latakia 1998.
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